
Admissions for 2025-26 is open for grades PreKG to XI.

Our Social Commitment

CVMIS is strongly committed to support meritorious students from weaker sections of society. We extend to give scholarships to the needy with merits.


Our Values are Compassion, Humility, Respect, Integrity, Service, Team Spirit and Excellence.


To develop content, competent and compassionate global citizens imbibing Indian values – is a constant reminder to all of us connected with CVMIS. We at CVMIS strive to make the vision a reality in the life of every child who enters the portals of CVMIS.


  • To impart world-class education with an emphasis on learning to mould their personalities
  • To prepare students to be leaders and visionaries in their profession of choice
  • To instill a high standard of ethical behavior
  • To help students develop self-confidence, self-discipline, individuality, inter-personal relationship with a sense of devotion.

At CVMIS parental participation is recognized as a vital component in child’s education. Since parents and teachers speak the same language, children do not get caught in the middle, and benefit greatly from the healthy interactions between them. This encourages them to build their own positive relationships, and makes them far less likely to be defeated by the pressures of work and life. Participating in their children’s school also leads many parents to discover their own hidden strengths and passions and forge even closer bonds with their children as they share in their growth process.

Offering internationally benchmarked academic programmes for the children with an academic curriculum following the top standards of inquiry based learning, the school has attained ‘A’ grade in all, by itself. A clear vision that combines dedicated staff, integrated infrastructure, unimpaired aids of learning, a new frontier awaits these achievers.


Founder & Chairman

“A Good Education System Can Equip An Individual's Mind With Necessary Skills To Achieve One's Purpose In Life"