
Admissions for 2025-26 is open for grades PreKG to XI.

Message from the Correspondent’s Desk

We at CVMIS recognize the significance of holistic education that nurtures and plays specifically during the developmental phase of one’s life. And so, at CVMIS, we collaborate with parents to create an inspiring, motivating, challenging and fun filled environment for our students that pave the pathway for them to continuously learn, evaluate and grow into competitive yet compassionate independent thinkers.

CVMIS is structured to impart a comprehensive foundation for our students. This means we have comprehensive syllabus that is committed to supply academic, social and cultural knowledge. The school groups our students into four smaller communities called Houses to bestow comradeship, mentoring, love and respect for one another amongst a piethora of other social and emotional values.

We believe that the wide range of physical and co-curricular activities along with the academic work contributes towards physically fit and mentally resilient CVMIS graduates.

CVMIS strives to groom future leaders, who are prepared for all challenges. The credit goes to Mr.C.Sathian, correspondent. His tireless efforts, commitment, confidence, his genuine interest and consistency have made CVMIS grow to greater heights. He has given a Midas touch to CVM International School.

AT CVMIS, we are aware that to create a successful schooling model, it is quintessential to integrate cutting edge learning to ensure we are consistently moulding better individuals for tomorrow. To be able to satisfy that, we know we need to gather and use collective knowledge to adapt and change as we unveil new learnings. For this, we have crafted an efficient system of communication wherein parents, students and teachers give their feedback suggestions and concerns in an open and secure way. This gets reviewed, analysed and incorporated accordingly as an action item to adjust any identified gaps or as, an improvisation in education and character building.

I would like to thank all my staff, parents and students who have been the reason for the success that CVMIS is witnessing. If you are interested to be a part of CVMIS at this exciting time, kindly reach out to us. To promote diversity and learning, we have sponsorship available for the right students. And finally, as the wise say “Life isn’t about reaching a destination but it is about enjoying the journey”. I hope and trust each one of you will cherish your time at CVMIS.

Correspondent “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire” – W.B.YEATS .