
Admissions for 2025-26 is open for grades PreKG to XI.

Admission Procedure

Parents / Guardians seeking admission for their wards are to obtain the Prospectus and Application for Registration at the office against a payment of Rs.1000 /- (Rupees one thousand only) by cash.

Parents / Guardians are requested to go through the prospectus in detail to know about the school. Getting satisfied with the Curriculum, System, Norms, Rules and Regulations they may enroll their wards by submitting the duly filled-in and completed application form to the office.

The Application, if found correct, in order with all details provided will be accepted / registered and will be assigned a Registration Number, which should be quoted in all further correspondence. Generally, the school provides 10 days of time to submit the duly filled-in application. Parents may seek 15 days of time, will be allowed, if the reason is found to be genuine and reasonable.

General Instruction for filling the application:

  •   1. All the columns should be filled in by capital letters and all the details called for should be provided by the signing authorities- Parents / Guardians.
  •   2. Recently taken passport size (3.5 x 4.5 cm) photographs of the ward should be affixed on the application in the space provided.
  •   3. Photostat copies of the following documents, duly attested by a Notary public / Gazetted officer should be submitted along with the application.
    • • Birth Certificate
    • • Community Certificate
    • • Applicant’s statement of marks pertaining to First or Second Terminal Examination duly signed by the Principal of the school, where he/ she is presently studying.
  •   4. The application should be signed by the Father / Mother / Guardian.
  •   5. The Address for communication (if found different) should be clearly filled in.
  •   6. The details given in the filled-in application form should be absolutely correct in all aspects. Any discrepancy and false information will render the application liable to be rejected.
  •   7. Foreigners, Non- Resident Indians (NRI’s) should submit a Photostat copy of the Passport too.
  •   8. Students entering class two and above should submit a bonafide certificate from the school where they are presently studying.

Age and Eligibility

Candidates seeking admission for LKG (Lower Kindergarten) should have completed three years on or before 31st March in the current year. The age for admission to other classes shall be reckoned accordingly. Relaxation in age is not permitted.

Minimum age limit for admission to the various classes will be as follows:

Age 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Selection Producedure

The academic council headed by the Correspondent will consider each Application on the basis of the data/information/details furnished in the application form and offer admission to the student to the class for which the application is meant.

Procuring a set of Application, Prospectus, and Registering the duly filled-in Application cannot be claimed as a right to admission. The Enrollment will be finalized based on the following

  • • Age Criteria
  • • Availability of seats
  • • Proper Documentation of required enclosures
  • • Ability test
  • • Academic performance in the previous class

Admission Intimation

The provisionally selected candidates will be informed in person on the day of ability test. It is the responsibility of the parent to give the correct address and mobile phone number.

Confirmation of Admission

Parents whose wards are selected for admission should confirm the acceptance of the seat within the stipulated date mentioned by remitting the following.

  • • The initial fee as notified in the provisional admission letter.
  • • By submitting the transfer certificate (school leaving certificate) from the school the ward is studying at present.
  • • Second Term performance /Mark sheet from the school the child is studying at present.


Before remitting the initial fee, parents are asked to go through the prospectus in detail to know about the rules and regulations governing the school administration.